Thursday, 25 June 2015

Don't fence me in By Laura A. Munteanu

Whilst the UK investigates political expedient strategies, by which it can reduce its welfare bill by withdrawing support to its vulnerable citizens, like the disabled and unemployed it's also guilty of pandering to the racist xenophobia directed against the economic migrants from North Africa, risking their lives to creep into the UK, by stealth. 

No one asked the questions: do the unemployed, the disabled, or the countryless citizens of the world volunteer to put themselves into this vulnerable position? The answer is no. Who benefits from the reduction of the benefit bill? Only the banks. The country is being run as a profit making enterprise for the benefit of a selfie minority of greedy bastards, who feel it is their right and privilege to do what they want, without any consideration for the welfare of the people who make them rich. 

If you want to stop illegal, economic migration send the black market employers of illegal migrant labour to jail. All those people who give them illegal, non tax paying, cash in hand jobs send them to jail. Find them, strip them of their assets. We haven't got enough police to enforce this? Why not employ some more from the unemployed, tasked specifically to seek, catch and prosecute illegal employers, profiting from slave labour. But where's the money going to come from? We didn't have any problem finding money when we bombed North Africa and created the political and cultural instability that has sent the entire Middle East into chaos and madness, forcing their citizens to give up everything they own to risk their lives to come to the UK, for the chance of working in a car wash. 

The European Union and its American and Canadian allies are responsible for destroying the infrastructure of North Africa with their reckless imperial posturing. They have a moral and economic responsibility to invest in repairing the economic infrastructure of North Africa. Maybe investing in massive solar electricity generating plants, which could provide the energy for Europe, North Africa and provide the muscle to irrigate the North African desert and turn it into the best agricultural production area for the planet. That's the sort of thing we should be doing with our money. Something which benefits us all. Then maybe, the flow of migration might reverse, once the North African economies have been revitalised by the people that fucked them up in the first place. That's what I would call an example of just and moral leadership. But hey, what the fuck do I know? I'm just a Romanian living in the UK, watching the greedy bastards "install their fences" and make sure their dogs are hungry.  

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