Friday, 1 May 2015

Wild Carnage By Laura A. Munteanu

Eight hours a day,
that’s what 
the Haymarket eight 
bought us on the gallows.

Blamed for throwing the bomb 
at the police, at the demonstration 
for worker’s basic rights 
on May 4, 1886 in Chicago.

Over eight policemen 
were killed by the bomb.
Five rioters and 
a further four policemen, 
in the handgun battle 
that followed the bomb’s vicious work.
Hundreds were injured on both sides.

Eight anarchists were arrested. 
All immigrants.
All recent arrivals 
in the land of the free.
The land where unrestrained 
Christian capitalism, 
allowed them to live like animals.
The land of the free 
that imprisoned them 
and executed them,
when they showed their teeth.

Comrades Engel, Fischer, Parsons 
and Spires became martyrs 
for the labour movement, 
despite only earning 
a hangman’s rope 
for their part in the wild carnage.

They had discussed 
creating an outrage, 
disrupting a peaceful protest, 
throwing dynamite bombs.

They were not 
the bomber of Chicago.

It has been suggested 
that the bomber 
was a provocateur,
deployed with disastrous effect 
to discredit the democratic 
labour reform movement.

The Second International 
declared the men martyrs,
and commemorates their sacrifice 
every 1 May, all over the world.

No one remembers 
the Second International,
when working people 
began educating themselves, 
because nowadays 
they have been bribed 
and bought off,
given enough luxury 
not to give a shit 
about the welfare 
of their fellows,
because they have 
to keep up their payments 
on all the luxury goods 
they have been conned 
into buying to exercise 
their privilege of individuality 
in lieu of community
“I’ve got mine,
I don’t give a fuck about you.”

Whilst all those crazy bastards 
in China 
or Guatamala 
or Cambodia 
or Pakistan 
are working sixteen hour days 
for starvation wages, so that 
the great great grand children 
of the bloody anarchists, 
who fought with the police
to improve their lives 
can buy stuff cheap 
with their welfare cheques,
because no one works 
in Chicago any more.

And whilst the same rich men 
dream their golden dreams 
on their cold beds of krugerrands,
all those crazy bastards 
in China 
or Guatamala 
or Cambodia 
or Pakistan
are dreaming of how to build 
a big enough bomb
to wake the rich world up, 
enough to remember 
that the job’s not quite done.

Funnily enough,
this is not what 
they’re taught in school
or what they see 
at the movies or on TV.

And everyone forgets, 
that this is the time 
of the year when 
we used to dance 
with each other
to celebrate the return 
of the summer.
But not in China 
or Guatamala 
or Cambodia 
or Pakistan
or even Chicago
or even here.

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