Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Madaya By Laura A. Munteanu

What will we tell the spacemen, when they ask

Why we've let the people of Madaya starve

Why we've let them die pregnant in the barbed wire,

Their stomachs full of boiled leaves and starving cat.

Twenty thousand of them were civilians

Who voted for someone else

Moved to Madaya from their homes 

By ethnic cleansing,

By soldiers following orders,

By soldiers digging up their gardens

To see if there was anything valuable buried there.

What will we tell the spacemen,

As the jet-fighters drop their bombs

Bombs worth more than hospitals

And a year's salary for all of their workers

On targets, determined by liars

Feeding lies to liars, feeding lies to the ignorant,

Whose sleep is occasionally disturbed

By the muffled thump of a bomb vest,

Worn by a child instructed to die, so the story stays

On the front page of the newspapers.

What will the spacemen say

When they hear the politicians

Demanding that we bomb the enemy

With our jets and drones

From thousands of miles away,

Complaining about the refugees coming here,

Taking our jobs and benefit payments

With their stories of rape and torture

Whilst the politicians' fat cat friends

Line their pockets with gold

From the profits of selling arms to both sides.

Forty thousand people,

Political opponents of the Syrian government

Herded into the mountain town of Madaya

As the snow falls, surrounded 

By barbed wire and land mines

And the nervous triggers of the National Defense Force

A starvation prison, an oubliette

This is all the spacemen will see

And the fact that we've let them die

Because we've never learned their names

They came from a town we've never heard of

From a country we didn't understand

They didn't get pissed at the Christmas party

They didn't post pictures of their dinner on Facebook

They didn't argue about the relative merits

Of Taylor Swift or Miley Cyrus

They didn't go to watch the latest Star Wars film

They were not people like us.

The spacemen will turn and look at each other

Shake their heads, shrug their shoulders

Their faces are red, they can't get anyone

To pick up the phone at the embassy

It took them 160 years to get here.

They have a cargo of trinkets to sell us

Maybe open a trade mission

Learn our languages

They haven't brought their carbon fiber armour

All that stuff's been in a museum for a thousand years.

They want their money back

The ambassador is full of apologetic messages

Citing sudden industrialization and a population boom.

With a sigh, the spacemen look at their map

Programme their spaceship

Go back to sleep

And hope the next planet

Doesn't have a welcome mat

That says: Fuck Off!

In 2016, the town of Madaya in Western Syria

Is why we are alone in the universe.

Image reads:

Madaya .. Allah has got you!

Source: Madaya Facebook community page

Besieged Madaya

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