King Cnut, King of Norway, Denmark, England is famously reputed to have discovered his limitations as a monarch by failing to stop the rising tide, despite how persuasively and imperiously he demanded that the tide stop its advance.
David Cameron would do well to heed Cnut’s advice, given that he shares a wild self-assurance in the credibility of his own imperial leadership. It is going to be a long campaign. Cameron, still reeling from the leaked proposals of how welfare costs are going to be slashed by £12 billion whilst only recovering £5 billion from tax evasion to meet his 30 billion economic shortfall, announced today he is thinking about encouraging business to create 2 million jobs.
Facebook last year paid £1.8 million in tax from £2.87 billion income in advertising sales in the UK alone. ICRI and Cosic have identified that Facebook continue to violate European privacy law by illegally tracking users and visitor’s details. Given that Facebook reveals information about its customers to the NSA at least 10000 times a year, on the record this is some cause for alarm.
In the spirit of freedom of information to both Mr. Zuckerberg and the NSA, I would urge you to repair your credibility and maybe pay a little more tax, so that Cameron’s goons don’t finance the next Jerusalem by taxing disability benefits or cutting the old age pension.
I am reminded of Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen's winter wonderland scandal when I hear of Cameron’s vision of the future under a second Conservative term of office, glitzy publicity, high admission price, several zero hour contract employees treading water whilst the icy wind blows the pound shop tinsel, sellotaped to the picture of Elsa from Frozen.
In the spirit of Podemos and Syriza, we need a much better deal, not the one offered by Russell Brand or Nigel Farage. Something that generates wealth, restores the insidious destruction of our communities by verticality and exclusiveness.
I don’t need any negative motivation, Mr. Cameron. I don’t need your scaremongering about Miliband threatening to pick my pockets. After your term of office my pockets are empty. Ed is happy to whatever he can find in them. I think me and Ed are much more interested what’s in your pockets and your rich chums, who have withdrawn their support from the communities that made them rich. Motivate us with hope, with constructive messages that gives us all an opportunity to be proud, diverse and British. I don’t understand your usage of the word "dangerous", unless of course you are referring to the free school policy championed by another of your Murdoch embedded staff, the Prince of Darkness Gove. You may have hidden him but we still know he’s there.
Finally, a message to Jay-Z and company, in respect to your new streaming music service. I have listened to your music over the year, danced, listened and watch you perform it in a variety of forms. I bought the vinyl, the cassette, the video, the CD, the DVD the Blue Ray, the iTunes download. Each time your distributors changed the distribution format, I made you rich. Launch your new service for your new material. However, if you try to re-capitalise on your back catalogue, again I would like to remind you we already have an alternative to Spotify. It is called BitTorrent. Remember Cnut and his tides.
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Friday, 13 March 2015
Durerea din curul meu! De Laura A. Munteanu
M-am intins pe patul gandurilor mele
Si ma intreb daca toate astea au un rost?
Cuvinte scrise pentru ochi ce nu le citesc
Melodii cantate pentru urechi ce nu le aud
Experiente, realizari, povesti, sentimente impartasite
Cu prieteni ce nu sunt niciodata acolo.
"Sa nu-ti pese despre ce cred sau spun oamenii
Fa orice te face fericita si fa-o pentru tine."
Dar imi doresc ca lucrurile pe care le fac si ma fac fericita
sa fie un dar ce inspira si incurajeaza oamenii din jurul meu
sa actioneze si sa-si schimbe sau sa-si imbunatateasca
propriile lor vieti si sa lupte alaturi de mine,
in a schimba tot ce este gresit despre lumea ce ne inconjoara,
chiar daca nu este o lume pe care
nu toti o cunoastem si in care nu toti traim.
Imi doresc sa fie ghidati de cartile ce le citesc si scriu
catre aventuri si calatorii noi.
Si sa invete lucruri noi pe care le putem impartasii
cu totii intr-o zi.
Nu vreau sa-mi intemnitez sau sa-mi marit
darurile pe care am sa le ofer omenirii.
Vreau ca ele sa creasca aripi si sa zboare libere si neanfricate
Catre mintile si inimile ce le iubesc
si cele pe care sper sa le cunosc intr-o zi.
Nu vreau sa cenzurez lucrurile pe care mi le imaginez
Cugetarea mea filozofica critica
Activismul meu feminist politic.
Nu ma pot intoarce inapoi la felul cum am fost
Si chiar si cutia in care traiam inainte era mult prea mica.
Ma doare cumplit sa vad ca oamenilor nu le pasa
Si ca sunt fericiti si impliniti in bula lor mica de aer
Cu rutinele, obiceiurile si hobby-urile lor mici
Unde nimic nu se intampla in fiecare zi din viata lor
Fara sa observe femeia acostata in autobuz
Amaratul fara casa, ce doarme pe strazile reci ale iernii
fara o patura sa-l acopere si nu a mancat de zile intregi.
Fetele si baietii circumcisi cand aveau trei ani
ce au suferit cand si-au pierdut virginitatea.
Seful ce si-a concediat asistenta,
pentru ca a fost nerespectoasa cu el
cerandu-i sa nu-i mai puna mana pe picior.
Copilul neglijat de tatal lui prea ocupat
sa se uite la fotbal si sa bea bere.
Fata violata la petrecerea de ziua ei
Nevinovatii ucisi de drone in casele lor, noaptea
in timp ce dormeau si visau plaje insorite.
Lacrimile orfanilor ce-si cauta desculti familiile
sub mormane de ruine, in zone afectate de dezastre naturale.
Artistul ce-si impartaseste picturile
de o viata intreaga in piata.
Dansatoarea ce prezinta un show pentru prima data,
in fata unei audiente.
Ciclistul ce merge mile sa stranga fonduri
pentru tratamentul de cancer al mamei lui.
Omul de stiinta ce a descoperit un remediu nou.
Asa ca, inapoi in patul meu ma intorc
Capul meu este greu cu ganduri umflate.
Toate cuvintele intr-un final le citesc
Si toate cuvintele ce am fost invatata.
Atatea intrebari, limba mi se usuca
Urechile mi se incordeaza sa auda vreun raspuns
Dar vantul fluiera printre copacii
Ce nu intreaba care este motivul
Ci isi intind incet, isi inalta si isi sapa adanc radacinile.
Nu le pasa ce cuvinte cunosc
Sunt multumiti cu propriile lor creaturi.
Este suficient sa gandesti calm
Si sa impartasesti liber bucuria cuvintelor tale,
Caci copacul inalt ce voi deveni
Este plin de pasari cantatoare.
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